Mineral Resources Hydrogeology – Anglo American Coal
Queensland, Australia

Anglo American Coal wished to address hydrogeological conditions and spoil stability for a planned dewatering of a flooded pit in order to mine the area. The accumulated water was identified as a risk to the project and a series of piezometers had been proposed to monitor the spoil saturation and drawdown.

Valenza Engineering was engaged alongside Mining One to provide technical guidance for the project.

We conducted a hydrogeological assessment of the spoil and bedrock to determine the rate and impacts of the proposed drawdown. Based on our experience in mineral resources we were able to adapt the proposed monitoring program to achieve better coverage without increasing the client’s costs. With 2D modelling we predicted the dewatering trends to develop a safe dewatering program, inform slope design, depressurisation, and drainage requirements.

Drilling with a view

Piezometers were installed and hydrogeological testing conducted to develop models of the dewatering impacts.

Our modelling showed the changes in water levels and pore water pressure over time.