Environmental Protection – The Barro Group
Point Wilson, Victoria
The Barro Group, the owners and operators of Mountain View Quarries at Point Wilson, has been undertaking environmental monitoring at the site since 2002. The quarry is near a sensitive environmental site; dry saltmarshes which support native flora and fauna including migratory shorebirds.
An Environment Effects Statement (EES) for the proposed quarry extension was prepared in 2008 and approval obtained subject to an environmental management plan. A long term study was undertaken to assess the impacts of the proposed dewatering activities on the saltmarsh vegetation and protect the environmental values of the habitat.
Valenza Engineering assisted Nolan Consulting with the collection of field data relating to surface water, groundwater, and soil, and managing vegetation and dust monitoring activities. Over six years we studied the groundwater responses to trial pumping, frequently collecting detailed field data. Understanding the background conditions and aquifer responses meant we could determine an appropriate management plan for safe quarry expansion.