Tripod Farmers Group wished to increase their groundwater extraction licence allocation to maintain irrigation capacity on two of their produce farms in Bacchus Marsh and Merrimu. Valenza Engineering was appointed to develop a methodology and conduct required testing for a hydrogeological assessment in support of Tripod Farms’ groundwater license application.

We undertook a desktop hydrogeological assessment of the available aquifer information and State Observation Bore (SOB) network search, then carried out a field investigation including groundwater quality sampling, pilot hole investigation and pumping bore installation. We designed, supervised and analysed multi-day pumping tests to develop understanding of the aquifer characteristics.

Further analysis included the radius of influence using GIS, and sustainable yield calculations from bulk hydraulic analysis of aquifer. These were used to determine the potential impact on surrounding aquifers and surface water.

Groundwater quality and impact was assessed against beneficial uses, and a groundwater extraction impact assessment was submitted to Southern Rural Water in support of a take and use license of 550 ML/yr to SRW, with the support of a groundwater extraction impact assessment.